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   (b) If a lawyer for an organization knows that an officer, 员工, or other person associated with the organization is engaged in action, 打算在与违反法律义务的陈述有关的事项中采取行动或拒绝采取行动, or a violation of law which reasonably might be imputed to the organization, and is likely to result in substantial injury to the organization, the lawyer shall proceed as is reasonably necessary in the best interest of the organization. 除非澳博app合理地认为这样做对组织的最佳利益没有必要, the lawyer shall refer the matter to higher authority in the organization, 包括, 如果情况允许的话, to the highest authority that can act on behalf of the organization as determined by applicable law.
   (c)与一个组织的董事打交道, 军官, 员工, 成员, 股东, 或者其他成分, 当组织的利益明显可能与澳博app所接触的选民的利益相抵触时,澳博app应当解释委托人的身份.
   (d) A lawyer representing an organization may also represent any of its 董事, 军官, 员工, 成员, 股东, 或者其他成分, 以规则1的规定为准.7. If the organization’s consent to the dual representation is required by 规则1.7, 同意应由该组织的一名适当官员作出,而不是由拟派代表的个人作出, 或者由股东决定.


   [1]组织客户是指法人实体, 但它只能通过它的官员行动, 董事, 员工, 股东, 以及其他成分. 军官, 董事, 员工, and 股东 are the constituents of the corporate organizational client. The duties defined in this 评论 apply equally to unincorporated associations. “Other constituents” as used in this 评论 means the positions equivalent to 军官, 董事, 员工, and 股东 held by persons acting for organizational clients that are not corporations.
   [2]当一个组织客户的成员之一以其组织身份与该组织的澳博app沟通时, 通信受规则1的保护.6. 因此, 举个例子, if an organizational client requests its lawyer to investigate allegations of wrongdoing, 在调查过程中,澳博app与客户的雇员或其他成员之间进行的面谈,适用于规则1.6. 这并不意味着, 然而, that constituents of an organizational client are the clients of the lawyer. 澳博app不得向这些选民披露与代理有关的信息,除非为执行代理而得到组织客户的明确或暗示授权,或在规则1允许的情况下披露.6.
   [3] When constituents of the organization make decisions for it, 这些决定通常必须被澳博app接受,即使其效用或审慎性值得怀疑. 有关政策和操作的决策, 包括涉及严重风险的项目, 这不是澳博app的职责吗. (b)段说明得很清楚, 然而, 当澳博app知道该组织可能因官员或其他成员违反对该组织的法律义务或违反可能归咎于该组织的法律的行为而受到重大损害时, the lawyer must proceed as reasonably necessary in the best interest of the organization. 如规则1所定义.0(f), knowledge can be inferred from circumstances, and a lawyer cannot ignore the obvious.
   [4]在决定如何根据(b)段进行时, the lawyer should give due consideration to the seriousness of the violation and its consequences, the responsibility in the organization and the apparent motivation of the person involved, 政策:该组织有关这些问题的政策, 以及其他相关的考虑. Ordinarily, referral to a higher authority would be necessary. 在某些情况下, 然而, it may be appropriate for the lawyer to ask the constituent to reconsider the matter; 例如, 如果情况涉及选民对法律的无辜误解和随后接受澳博app的建议, 澳博app可以合理地得出结论,该组织的最佳利益不要求将该事项提交给上级当局. If a constituent persists in conduct contrary to the lawyer’s advice, 澳博app有必要采取措施,让组织中更高一级的机构对此事进行审查. If the matter is of sufficient seriousness and importance or urgency to the organization, 即使澳博app没有与选民沟通,也可能有必要向组织的上级机构提交. 采取的任何措施, 在切实可行的范围内, 尽量减少向组织以外的人透露与代表有关的信息的风险. Even in circumstances where a lawyer is not obligated by 规则1.13 .继续, a lawyer may bring to the attention of an organizational client, 包括其最高权威, 澳博app合理地认为足够重要的事项,以保证在组织的最佳利益中这样做.
   [5]当有合理的必要使组织能够及时和适当地解决问题时, paragraph (b) requires the lawyer to refer the matter to higher authority, 包括, 如果情况允许的话, the highest authority that can act on behalf of the organization under applicable law. 通常可向其提交事项的组织的最高权力机构是董事会或类似的理事机构. 然而, applicable law may prescribe that under certain conditions the highest authority reposes elsewhere, 例如, 公司的独立董事.
   [6]尽管模型规则1.13包含“报告”要求,授权披露有关组织客户的机密客户信息,这些信息对于其他类型的客户是被禁止的, D.C. 规则1.13 does not expand the kinds of disclosures that are permitted for organizational clients. 在D下面.C. 规则, 无论客户是组织还是个人,客户的机密都受到同等程度的保护. If a lawyer has reported a matter to the highest appropriate authority in the organization, and that authority has determined not to take any action recommended by the lawyer, 澳博app应该接受当局的决定, 正如澳博app必须遵守个人客户保密的决定——除非根据规则1授权披露.6. If a binding judicial determination is made that the disclosure limitations under D.C. 规则1.联邦法律赋予更广泛的权力披露客户机密或某些类型组织客户的秘密, a lawyer may exercise the broader authority granted by federal law. D的限制.C. 规则, 然而, 是否继续适用于保护其他类型组织客户的机密和秘密.

   [7] This rule does not limit or expand the lawyer’s responsibility under 规则1.6, 1.8, 1.16, 3.3,和4.1. 如果澳博app的服务被某组织利用来推动该组织的犯罪或欺诈行为, 规则1.2(e)和1.6 (d)可以适用.

   [8] The duty defined in this rule encompasses the representation of governmental organizations. 看到 规则1.6条评论[37]至[40].

   [9]有时,组织的利益可能与一个或多个成员的利益相抵触. In such circumstances the lawyer should advise any constituent, whose interest the lawyer finds adverse to that of the organization, 利益冲突或潜在的利益冲突, 澳博app不能代表这样的选民, and that such person may wish to obtain independent representation. Care must be taken to assure that the individual understands that, 当有这样的逆境的兴趣, the lawyer for the organization cannot provide legal representation for that constituent individual, 代表组织的澳博app和个人之间的讨论可能没有特权.

   [11] (c)款确认,一个组织的澳博app也可以代表一名主要官员或大股东.

   [12]根据普遍适用的法律, 公司股东或股东可以提起诉讼,迫使董事履行对公司的法定监督义务. Members of unincorporated associations have essentially the same right. Such an action may be brought nominally by the organization, 但通常是, 事实上, 关于组织管理的法律争议.
   [13] The question can arise whether counsel for the organization may defend such an action. The proposition that the organization is the lawyer’s client does not alone resolve the issue. Most derivative actions are a normal incident of an organization’s affairs, to be defended by the organization’s lawyer like any other suit. 然而, if the claim involves serious charges of wrongdoing by those in control of the organization, 澳博app对组织的责任与澳博app与董事会的关系之间可能会产生冲突. 在这种情况下,规则1.第7条规定通常担任公司法律顾问的澳博app是否能恰当地代表董事和公司.
